Horse Riding Hub

Hey, I'm Horse Riding Hub

Gold Coast, Queensland.

Debbie Burgermeister

Inspired by her parents that have given her with a wonderful life of growing up with horses and farm life! Also blessed with a family of her own and loving husband to establish the balance between country and city living.

A rare upbringing these days to be given the broad exposure of working with sheep, cattle, cropping and farm equipment that school cannot educate on the practical expertise gained growing up in this way. Responsibilities away from technology and being able to appreciate the outdoors and everything it has to offer.

Blessed with a loving family upbringing on a farm to learn practical life skills and many great horsemanship skills from avery talented horseman, her father, teaching her to break in horses over 30 years ago in the natural way and being able to ride horses to compete up to state level championships.

Debbie is Your Horse Riding Coach With A Difference through her ability to achieve a high focus on development with strong attention to body technique from exposure to both Western and English riding. Starting with pony club and moving into the show ring, dressage, jumping, camp-drafting, barrel racing and polocrosse.

Activites by Horse Riding Hub

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